About the Journal

Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University Journal of Applied Sciences (IMSIUJAS) is an international multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal publishing original research articles in the fields of applied science, engineering, technology, and medicine such as clinical medicine, basic medical sciences, mathematics, statistics, chemistry, physics, and computer science. The journal is published by Imam Mohammed Ibn Saud Islamic University, Saudi Arabia, bi-annually. IMSIUJAS is dedicated to increasing the depth of applied sciences across disciplines to improve applied sciences based on scientific evidence.


Aims and Scope

• Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University  Journal of Applied Sciences (IMSIUJAS), is an open-access (OA) publication. The journal's content is freely accessible to readers worldwide under an open-access license, allowing for the most significant reuse and distribution.
•To solve real-world problems, this multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal publishes research from a variety of fields, including applied life sciences, mathematics, statistics, chemistry, physics, earth and environmental sciences, engineering, materials science, computer science, and medicine, including clinical medicine and basic medical sciences. The journal supports high-caliber, original, scientifically sound research demonstrating an outstanding understanding of scientific knowledge, experiments and theories, methodologies and techniques, and interdisciplinary linkages.



Biological science:

  1. Biomedical Sciences

Medical Biotechnology; Pharmacology; Clinical Research; Public Health; Ethnopharmacology and Natural products

  1. Agricultural and Food Sciences

Agronomy; Horticulture; Animal Science; Food Science and Technology; Crop Science

  1. Environmental and Conservation Sciences

Environmental Biotechnology; Conservation Biology; Environmental Management; Waste and Biomass valorization

  1. Biotechnology and Bioengineering

Industrial Biotechnology; Synthetic Biology; Bioinformatics Bioprocess Engineering; Genetic Engineering

  1. Veterinary and Animal Sciences

Veterinary Medicine; Animal Nutrition; Animal Breeding and Genetics; Animal Welfare Science

 Mathematics and Computational Science:.

  1. Computational and Modeling Simulation:

Numerical methods, simulation techniques, optimization, computational tools, and applications like climate modeling and structural analysis.

  1. Data Science and Analytics:

Data management, machine learning, statistical analysis, visualization, and applications in healthcare, business intelligence, and recommendation systems.

  1. Applied Mathematics in Industry:

Operations research, mathematical modeling, financial mathematics, engineering applications, and biomathematics.

  1. Cybersecurity and Blockchain Technologies:

Cryptography, blockchain systems, network security, threat mitigation, and privacy solutions.

Chemistry and material science:

  1. Chemistry:  Catalysis, green chemistry, analytical techniques, organic/inorganic synthesis, electrochemistry, and photochemistry.
  2. Materials Science: Nanomaterials, polymers, biomaterials, smart materials, renewable energy materials.
  3. Interdisciplinary: Biomedical materials, computational modeling, water treatment, sensors, coatings, and energy conversion technologies.

Physics and material science:

  1. Physics: Quantum Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Electromagnetism, Optics, Computational Physics, Plasma Physics, Nonlinear Dynamics, High-Energy Physics, Biophysics, Astrophysics, Fluid Dynamics.
  2. Materials Science: Nanomaterials, Biomaterials, Polymers, Functional Materials, Energy Storage/Conversion, Semiconductors, Magnetic and Superconducting Materials, Crystallography, Smart Materials.


  1. Mechanical Engineering: Energy Systems Engineering; Materials Engineering; Advanced Manufacturing
  1. Chemical Engineering: Green Chemical Engineering (GreenChE); Remediation and pollution control
  1. Civil Engineering: Eco-friendly construction materials; Sustainability, durability, and service life prediction of concrete structures
  1. Electrical Engineering: Operation and control; electric vehicles; renewable power generation; smart grid; medical imaging; signal processing
  1. Computer Engineering: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Engineering; AI-based design optimization; AI in robotics; autonomous systems.



 Journal email: [email protected]